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After much research and obviously visiting different sites, I have finally chosen my very first home. Giving a fruit to my earnest research, I have found the home at a very nominal cost, but the floor is to be refurbished. The walls are perfectly ok, only a little distempering is required.


Vinyl Tile Flooring
Vinyl Tile Flooring


Now I am planning about the flooring. Any suggestions? The hardwood floors are good looking, much at trend at present, but customer’s reviews are not that good. Though the longevity or staying power is great, it is difficult to keep it aesthetic tidy and unspoiled. I have five years kid who would drop their tops and other sharp things making their mark on the floors every time. They drop soup or water or poster colours at least twice a day, so the wood option for me is gone.

I thought of putting a carpet over the floor which is easy to install and even can be bought  with many options .But the same spilling of juice or tomato sauce by kids remains a problem, because they cannot be cleaned with only a wipe of cloth. Carpet is also a problem to us, because at times it raises issues like dust allergies.

With due activities of my kids, I have the options such as flooring with ceramic tiles, Vinyl tile flooring, or laminate. Finally, I chose Vinyl Floor Miami, which has an excellent customer review and available at attractive options. It is truly the same as they advertise that they are non-slippery and keeps me at peace of mind that my kids are safe and even my aged parents.

Tag(s) : #Home, #Home Improvement, #Flooring
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